The Easy Way Out is the second installment in the Detective McDaniel Thriller series and boy, are you in for another wild ride! No outright spoilers will be given for the first book.
Also before I begin I would like to let you know that I was sent a ebook ARC copy by the author but this in no way affects my review. This is also a spoiler free review.
Also before I begin I would like to let you know that I was sent a ebook ARC copy by the author but this in no way affects my review. This is also a spoiler free review.
The Characters
We had the usual Detective McDaniel and Vanderwyk and I love this co-worker duo so much! I throughly enjoyed seeing (ahem I mean reading) more of Griggs and the background of how him and McDaniel met. I really enjoyed seeing the inner anguish that McDaniel was going through from the previous book and how he worked through it.
The Plot
Another great murder mystery case with enough spins to keep the reader guessing and right along there with Detective McDaniel, wondering who dun it?!? Loose ends always get tied up in the end with a satisfying message but of course there will always be murder so of course there's always going to be another until Detective McDaniel has filled his cup.
Here's the synopsis from Goodreads:
Still reeling from his encounter with a depraved child killer and a professional hitman on the city’s waterfront, Homicide Detective Darren McDaniel is thrown back into the fray. A headless corpse washes up in a secluded cove near the industrial district. The body shows signs of extreme trauma – torture – prior to being tossed into the sea.
The brutal excess of violence disturbs McDaniel, pulling him into the investigation. But, with no head, no usable fingerprints, and advanced decomposition, the remains offer few clues to the identity of the victim, or the perpetrator.
McDaniel, and his partner, Brent Vanderwyk, begin investigating reports of missing persons, hoping to match an open case with their victim. A disturbing pattern soon emerges - multiple subjects on the fringes of society have disappeared over the past few years.
The case that started with a headless corpse on the beach quickly spins out of control, expanding to include at least five men, dead or missing. All of them are directly connected to a treacherously entangled trio – a petty drug-lord, a sheriff’s detective, and a bombshell femme fatale.
McDaniel and Vanderwyk slowly unravel the tangled mess of lies, deception, trickery, and murder. As the pieces fall into place, they learn that a sixth victim has been taken.
The detectives formulate a plan to capture the killer and save his latest victim before it’s too late. But as they race to the rescue, the mission quickly unravels, plunging the detectives into gunfights, car chases, mayhem on the high seas, and a nail-biting conclusion that will leave you on the edge of your seat.
The Pacing
It has the same rich settings and descriptions as the first one that plunge the reader straight into the story. There was a bit of a lag in later middle part but nothing alarming or anything. The ending didn't feel too rushed either like most books tend to do, especially with series.
Like I've said with the first one, these books seemed to have been researched throughly. From the setting locations to police proceedings and teh like. Things aren't left in the blank for the reader to guess what in the heck is going on and there doesn't seem to be any far fetched guessings on what is what either.
Like I've said with the first one, these books seemed to have been researched throughly. From the setting locations to police proceedings and teh like. Things aren't left in the blank for the reader to guess what in the heck is going on and there doesn't seem to be any far fetched guessings on what is what either.
The Publishing Side of Things
A clean cut genre-fitting cover much like the first one and they pair well together to keep a consistent genre theme going on. Absolutely no grammar problems whatsoever! So it's definitely one of the cleanest copies I've read in regards to that. All the plot and happenings seemed to fit and nothing seemed to stick out oddly.
Another fun and thrilling ride from a great and respectable author. Can't wait to keep digging in this sereis and discovering more of the adventures of Detective McDaniel.
I also can now understand the meaning behind the title and love it when they connect at the end!
Book Links! (these are not affiliate links)
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